Galaxy NGC 488 | Deep⋆Sky Corner
NGC 488 is a regular spiral galaxy of morphological type Sb. Spectrographic observations have shown that it has a chemically decoupled nucleus. Stellar population in the nucleus is twice …
NGC 488 - Spiral Galaxy in Pisces - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 488 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Pisces constellation. NGC 488 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the …
NGC 488 - skyledge.net
NGC 488 is a face-on spiral galaxy. Its most striking features are its long tightly-wound spiral arms. Its estimated diameter is about 170,000 light years, which is 70% larger than our own …
NGC 488: Pisces’ hidden galaxy that’s a work of art
2023年9月18日 · NGC 488 in Pisces is an oval-shaped face-on spiral galaxy that’s a bit of a hidden gem. It makes a fine target for a small- to medium-aperture telescope and is …
NGC 488 (Mark Hanson) - AstroBin
NGC 488NGC 488 is a face-on spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. It is at a distance of about 90 million light-years away from Earth. Its diameter is estimated to be 52,6 Kpc (171.000 ly). …
Hanson Astronomy Photos-NGC 488
NGC 488 is a face-on spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. It is at a distance of about 90 million light-years away from Earth. Its diameter is estimated to be 52,6 Kpc (171.000 ly). The …
NGC 488 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
2025年1月9日 · In the mid-disk region, the concentric, somewhat flocculent ring structure is fascinating. The rings are difficult to trace as you follow them around the disk. In some sense …
NGC 488 ( Tom Harrison ) - AstroBin
NGC 488 is a tightly wound and compact spiral galaxy in the direction of the Constellation Pices at a distance of 90-100 Million Light-Years. Stars orbit the galaxy nucleus at a high rate of speed, …
NGC 488 - Texas Tech University
NGC 488 is a moderately large and bright face-on spiral galaxy in Pisces. In an 18 inch telescope it appears as a round patch of light, slightly brighterr in the centre.
NGC 488 – Wikipedia
NGC 488 ist eine Spiralgalaxie vom Hubble-Typ Sb im Sternbild Fische auf der Ekliptik. Sie ist schätzungsweise 105 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt und hat einen …
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