Who would I contact to get a copy of my NGB form 23?
2018年3月20日 · NGB Form 23 Retirement Points Summary Statement - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. Most Army National Guard Soldiers receive an updated NGB Form 23 each …
If you transition from a Reserve Component to Active Duty
2017年8月14日 · To calculate your 1405 service, you will need to know two numbers – your total points for retired pay and your total active duty points. You can get these numbers from the …
Why does the VA keeps saying my Education rating is only 60%?
2020年2月20日 · I am hoping someone can help me because every time I submit paper work to the VA they don't give me a reason as to why my Education rating is stuck at 60%. I'm aware …
What is the NG FEDREC status for scroll P27-23? | RallyPoint
2023年7月11日 · Does anyone know the NG fedrec status for scroll P27-23? It's been stuck at 'At NGB...0 Days in DoD Approval Cycle" for about three months now according to ARNG-G1 Self …
Is the G1 Portal "FEDREC Status" still an accurate measure of …
2024年11月16日 · -G1 Portal is reportedly "accurate" but sometimes requires a push from your organic G1 to NGB to get the updates processed. Further; there is a reported significant issue …
What repercussions could I face if my counselor has ties to the …
2019年5月16日 · Long story short I did an IST and the counselor who helped me reached out to see how it was going and I told him I was trying to go active duty and my unit didn't want to …
How/where can a National Guard Officer access his ORB?
2016年4月30日 · I have been trying to get mine for a while now. The first day the G1 Gateway went down I called them. They said it was down for repairs and should be up shortly.
How do I transfer from NGB to Army Reserves? | RallyPoint
2015年10月21日 · Once everything is completed you will have a completed DD 368 with signatures, NGB 0123E, Separation Orders and NGB 22. If you are transferring straight into …
How can I get my NGB 22 quickly after ETS? | RallyPoint
2020年4月10日 · Posted in these groups: Prior Service NGB Discharge. Posted 5 y ago Follow this discussion Respond.
Anyone have an update for FedRec scroll P37-24? | RallyPoint
2024年9月9日 · In any case, please feel free to use this new thread to ask questions and post updates to our little '"Promotion Purgatory Support Group". I do not work for NGB so I will not …