Musa as a Phonetic Alphabet
The Musa Alphabet is a featural phonetic alphabet designed to write all the world's languages. It's encoded in the Private Use Area of Unicode, at E000-E2FF. Musa letters are each composed …
Musa Alphabet - Home
The Musa Alphabet is featural: the shapes represent phonetic features. For example, nasal consonants like m n ng alll feature a triangular top, and retroflex consonants all feature a …
A Quick Look at Musa
As mentioned on the Home page, Musa is featural - the shapes represent phonetic features - and iconic: letters look like their sounds. A nose looks like a triangle, with the point pointing …
The Musa Alphabet for English
Since Musa is a universal script, it has letters for all the sounds we don't have in English, too! But you don't need to learn all those letters - just the ones for the languages you want to read and …
Vowels - musa.bet
In Musa, as in most scripts, they're written using letters for the starting and ending positions. But in Musa, only one of these two letters is a vowel - the other is a semivowel. If the ending …
Letter Reference - musa.bet
The Romusa column in the list above refers to a standard set of transliterations of Musa into the Roman alphabet, the Musa version of X-SAMPA. Each Romusa code consists of a digraph - …
Digital Musa
The Musa dot letter is encoded at E040 separately from the normal Unicode space at 0020. The rule is that the space between Musa text and other text is the normal space, but the dot is …
More Positions - musa.bet
Musa also has letters for labiodental stops, oral and nasal, even though those sounds only occur allophonically or in affricates: In addition, Musa has a letter for a labiodental approximant, a …
Musa Keyboards Agent
There are several different ways to enter Musa text into your computer, but they all use the same program, the Musa Keyboards agent. You'll also need to install a Musa font on your computer …
Learning Aids - musa.bet
To help you learn how to read and write English in the Musa alphabet, we offer a variety of learning aids. Use the one(s) you find most useful! Shape Names. Here are the names for all …