2013年5月13日 · Clinical test designed to measure motion-provoked dizziness during a series of 16 quick changes to head or body positions. May also be used as a guide for developing an exercise program for patients with motion provoked dizziness.
Directions to perform TEST Positive sign demonstrated by Central vs. Peripheral Eye Movement Range Take your finger out past 18-24” to examine if the patient has full ocular range of motion. Ask the patient to follow a moving object (your finger) that is held several feet in front of the patient’s face (to avoid convergence of eyes.)
Take your finger out past 18-24” to examine if the patient has full ocular range of motion. Ask the patient to follow moving target that is held several feet in front of the patient’s face (to avoid convergence of eyes.) Hold the patient’s head stationary.
Modified Motion Sensitivity Test All movements are done in standing , eyes are open, in front of a plain wall. Symptoms must return to baseline before the next movement is performed.
The Motion Sensitivity Test (MST) is a clinical tech-nique to measure motion-provoked dizziness in patients with vestibular disturbances using a series of 16 quick changes to head or body position. The severity and dura-tion of the dizziness are recorded for each position and a cumulative score, the MST quotient, is calculated. The
2022年9月1日 · Results: A 10-item motion sensitivity test was developed and demonstrated discriminant validity to differentiate patients with motion-provoked dizziness and control subjects without dizziness and demonstrated construct validity compared with the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (r = 0.64, p < 0.001).
Motion sensitivity testing has been found to be a valid and reliable instrument for monitoring dizziness provoked by motion. A score of 0-10 indicates mild symptoms; 11-30 indicates moderate symptoms and greater than 30 indicates severe symptoms.
The Motion Sensitivity Test (MST) is a clinical protocol designed to measure motion-provoked dizziness during a series of 16 quick changes to head or body positions.