Lesson's Motmot - eBird
Large motmot of tropical lowland forest and edge, mainly in humid areas. Perches low to high, usually in shady areas. Blue crown with a big black central patch, unlike solid blue of Blue-capped Motmot, which occurs to the north. Plumage overall less contrasting in pattern than Turquoise-browed Motmot, with much smaller tail rackets. The name ‘motmot’ comes from double …
Amazonian Motmot - eBird
Medium-sized motmot. Green with orange underparts, black mask, and blue crown. Other motmots in its range have orange heads. Found in the under and midstory of a variety of forest habitats, including humid forest, semi-humid forest, and forest edge. It often sits quietly on exposed perches, wagging its tail from side to side. Listen for its song, a low “BOO-boop” with …
Turquoise-browed Motmot - eBird
Spectacular motmot of tropical lowlands, mainly in drier areas. Favors dry forest and edge, semiopen areas with scattered trees, gardens. One of the more conspicuous motmots, especially in spring, when often perches on roadside wires and on open branches. Plumage distinctive, with turquoise brow, turquoise-blue wings and tail with big rackets. Nests colonially at cenotes …
Broad-billed Motmot - eBird
Medium-sized forest dweller that sits motionless on horizontal branches in the mid-story. Head and breast rufous-orange with black mask and breast spot. Green back and belly; long tail. Most similar to larger Rufous Motmot; note size and greenish chin. Often found singly or in pairs inside forest, usually below canopy. Listen for single froglike call “aww.”
Whooping Motmot - eBird
Large motmot of lowland forest and edges from eastern Panama to northwestern South America. Green above and warm rufous below, with a black mask bordered by a dazzling cerulean crown. The crown is not solidly blue, but instead has a circular black patch in the middle as if it’s wearing a yarmulke. Like most other motmots, has conspicuous tail racquets. In typical motmot …
Blue-capped Motmot - eBird
Large motmot of humid forest and edge in tropical lowlands and foothills of northeast Mexico. Perches at all levels, usually in shady areas. Crown solidly blue, rather than blue with a big black central patch as on Lesson’s Motmot, which occurs to the south. The name
Andean Motmot - eBird
Large motmot found in forests and edges from foothills into subtropical zone; typically at higher elevations than other motmots. Green overall with blue wings and tail, black mask, and shining blue crown with black center. Long tail with rackets. The name “motmot” comes from the double-hooting call, which can sound like an owl, and is mainly uttered around dawn. Seen singly or in …
Trinidad Motmot - eBird
Fantastic bird with a long, racket-tipped tail found only in Trinidad and Tobago, where it is the only motmot. No other bird in the country shares its beautiful orange, green, and blue color pattern, and the black mask, breast spot, ruby eye, and large size make it truly unforgettable. Inhabits rainforest where it stays fairly low and usually well hidden, but occasionally may venture out …
Rufous Motmot - eBird
Large forest-dweller that likes to sit motionless. Head and breast rufous-orange with black mask and breast spot. Green back and long tail. Most similar to smaller Broad-billed Motmot; note larger size, rufous chin, and more extensive rufous on belly. Often found singly or in pairs inside forest, usually below canopy. Listen for deep hooting call, “woo-doop”, sometimes given as a single ...
Momoto Serrano - eBird
Motmot grande encontrado en bosques y bordes desde las estribaciones hacia la zona subtropical; típicamente en elevaciones más altas que otros motmots. Mayormente verde con alas y cola azules, máscara negra y corona azul brillante con centro negro. Cola larga con raquetas. El nombre