Mitsuki Miyawaki, known mononymously as Mitski, is a Japanese-American singer-songwriter. Her sound ranges from indie-rock, indie-pop, art pop, pop, and alternative.
Nobody Lyrics: My God, I'm so lonely, so I open the window / To hear sounds of people, to hear sounds of people / Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming / Did its...
Mitski Lyrics - 73 song lyrics sorted by album, including The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We. Mitski Miyawaki (born Mitsuki Laycock-Miyawaki; September 27, 1990) is a Japanese …
2012年2月7日 · “Door” is the 8th and second-to-last track on Mitski’s debut studio album Lush. In this song, Mitski sings of a door, which represents happiness in her life.
Mitski. Mitski Miyawaki (born September 27, 1990), known simply as Mitski, is a Japanese-American singer-songwriter and musician. She embarked on her musical career while studying …