rescueME MOB1 - Ocean Signal
Compact and lightweight, this beacon integrates seamlessly with life jackets, ensuring automatic activation upon immersion in water. Using AIS technology, it broadcasts your precise location …
rescueME MOB1 - Compact AIS Man Overboard Device with …
2015年1月31日 · The Ocean Signal MOB1 alerts all AIS Equipped Vessels within a 5 mile range. Once activated your MOB1 will transmit an alert to all AIS receivers and AIS enabled plotters …
PLB, GPS/AIS, DSC, Ocean Signal, MOB1 - VIKING Life
RescueME MOB1 provides 2 methods of rapidly communicating your position, accurate to a few metres, back to the vessel, plus providing visual indication via its built in strobe light. The …
Ocean Signal rescueME MOB1 Personal Locating AIS - 740S …
Ocean Signal MOB1 Personal Locating AIS Man Overboard Device with DSC is the world's smallest AIS MOB device with integrated DSC. Features: Compatible with even the most …
MOB1 programming - Ocean Signal
Ocean Signal MOB1 programming for enhanced safety. Easily configure your AIS Beacon for reliable man-overboard alerting. Program Now.
Ocean Signal RescueME MOB1 - AIS Emergency Beacon
Introducing the world’s smallest AIS MOB device with integrated DSC – the rescueME MOB1 from Ocean Signal. The MOB1 is compatible with even the most compact inflatable life-jackets*.
Ocean Signal rescueME MOB1 AIS MOB Beacon
Ocean Signal rescueME MOB1 AIS Locator Device. Introducing the world’s smallest AIS MOB device with integrated DSC — the rescueME MOB1 from Ocean Signal. The MOB1 is …
RescueME MOB1 AIS/DSC Personal Locator Beacon - West Marine
Ensure your crew is prepared for emergencies with the OCEAN SIGNAL RescueME MOB1. This essential safety device combines cutting-edge technology and ease of use, making it a must …
MOB1 USER MANUAL 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction The rescueME range of products provides the user with the latest technology specifically designed for compact size and ease of …
Ocean Signal Rescueme Mob1 Personal Ais Beacon - Hodges …
The world's smallest AIS MOB (Man Overboard) device with integrated DSC (Digital Selective Calling) - the rescueME MOB1 from Ocean Signal. The MOB1 is compatible with even the …