"LooooOool"是什么意思? -关于英语 (英国)(英文) | HiNative
LooooOool"Lol" means "laugh out loud". It's an acronym (abbreviation). It's only used on the internet. It's basically how everyone on the internet expresses that they found something …
"Lool"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
LoolIt probably means "lol" = "laugh out loud". The person probably added the extra "o" in "Lool" to express that they are really amused.|I think you meant, “lol” which means “Laughing Out …
What is the meaning of "Lool"? - Question about English (US)
Definition of Lool It probably means "lol" = "laugh out loud". The person probably added the extra "o" in "Lool" to express that they are really amused.|I think you meant, “lol” which means …
¿Qué significa "Lool" en Inglés (US)? | HiNative
Definición de Lool It probably means "lol" = "laugh out loud". The person probably added the extra "o" in "Lool" to express that they are really amused.|I think you meant, “lol” which means …
"LooooOool"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (英國)(英文)的問題
LooooOool的意思"Lol" means "laugh out loud". It's an acronym (abbreviation). It's only used on the internet. It's basically how everyone on the internet expresses that they found something …
¿Qué significa "mdrr " en Francés (Francia)? | HiNative
Definición de mdrr mdr = mort de rire = lol Ajouter des "r" permet d'insister : mdrrr = loool|the actual traduction is « mort de rire » which means « dying of laugh », it’s like lmao or lol Inglés …
What is the difference between "lol lol lol" and ... - HiNative
2023年4月20日 · Synonym for lol lol lol There's not much difference. The loooooooool is just exaggerated, probably meaning someone finds something especially funny ;)
"lol" 和 "haha" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
LOL means “Laughing Out Loud” Haha is the sound of laughter There is no difference in use though. They have the same meaning.
Who likes Trump ? loool - HiNative
【ネイティブが回答】「アメリカ領サモア」についての質問が集まってます。2件の回答を確認する!Hinativeでは外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問 …
【lol lol lol】 と 【loooooool】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
【ネイティブ回答】「lol lol...」と「loooooool」はどう違うの?質問に3件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブス …