K562 cells - Wikipedia
K562 cells were the first human immortalised myelogenous leukemia cell line to be established. K562 cells are of the erythroleukemia type, and the cell line is derived from a 53-year-old …
K-562 - CCL-243 - ATCC
K-562 are lymphoblast cells isolated from the bone marrow of a 53-year-old chronic myelogenous leukemia patient. The K-562 cell line is widely used in immune system disorder and …
Cellosaurus cell line K-562 (CVCL_0004)
Complete karyotype characterization of the K562 cell line by combined application of G-banding, multiplex-fluorescence in situ hybridization, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and comparative …
K562-s - CRL-3343 - ATCC
The paired K562-s and K562-r clones are useful cell line models of sensitivity and resistance to a tyrosine kinase inhibitor used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia. It has applications …
Characterization of K562 cells: uncovering novel chromosomes, …
Here, we have characterized K562 cells focusing on the karyotype of cells in prolonged culture, regulation of expression of TfR in wildtype (WT) and doxorubicin-resistant cells, and …
Leibniz Institute | K-562 - DSMZ
established from the pleural effusion of a 53-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in blast crisis in 1970; cells carry the BCR-ABL1 e14-a2 (b3-a2) fusion gene; this …
K562 Cells: Characteristics, Growth, and Cancer Relevance
2025年2月7日 · K562 cells are classified as an erythroleukemia cell line, exhibiting properties of both erythroid and leukemic cells. Their large size, round shape, high nucleus-to-cytoplasm …
Comprehensive, integrated, and phased whole-genome analysis of …
K562 is widely used in biomedical research. It is one of three tier-one cell lines of ENCODE and also most commonly used for large-scale CRISPR/Cas9 screens. Although its functional …
Huawei OptiXstar K562
Huawei OptiXstar K562 is a dual-band edge Optical Network Terminal (ONT) that supports gigabit access for both Wi-Fi 6 and GE network ports. Embedded AI (eAI) acceleration enhances the …
K562 (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) - Imanis Life Sciences
K562, or K-562 (ATCC® CCL-243TM)*, cells are a chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) continuous cell line originally isolated from the pleural effusion of a 53-year old female.