Julia Lazure | Vice President Julia Kneeland Lazure joined the Junior League of Denver in 2011 to engage in civic leadership, give back to the community and meet other women in the Denver metro area. She served as President in 2019-2020 and …
JLD Foundation Board Members | The Junior League of Denver
Meet the JLD Foundation Board members, including the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, Philanthropy, past committee chairs, and more.
JLD Nonprofit Board of Directors | Junior League of Denver
The Junior League of Denver, Inc. (founded in 1918), is an organization of women whose Mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. Meet the Junior League of Denver's Board of …
Leadership - Junior League of Dallas
The Board of Directors manages the activities, property and affairs of the Junior League of Dallas (JLD), emphasizing strategic and proactive leadership. The Board sets and revises governing policies and ensures the alignment of the JLD mission and vision at all levels of the organization through policy administration, financial management ...
JLD Leadership Institute - Junior League of Dallas
Also housed under the Training VP, the JLD Leadership Institute Committee develops and leads an intensive one-year leadership training program open to Active and Sustaining members. The JLD Leadership Institute was established in 2008 as the T. Boone Pickens Leadership Institute through a generous gift from T. Boone Pickens.
Junior League Of Dallas Inc — Non Profit Data
junior league volunteers work with adults and children to enhance positive self-esteem and to teach personal responsibility and accountability. the jld supports and promotes a better quality of life for the elderly and focuses on projects that provide assistance for …
Junior League of Dallas Leadership - Issuu
We applaud these Legacy Leaders who helped mold our unique history! Some came to JLD as Provisionals, some as Transfers, some as Sustainers.
Stephanie Dahl is the Vice President of the JLD Foundation Board. She is an attorney and represents her clients in all estate planning, probate and small business law matters.
FACEBOOK FEED - Good Life Family Magazine
2024年3月14日 · The Junior League of Dallas (JLD) and presenting sponsor, Bank of Texas, held its annual Community Grant Presentation on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at JLD Headquarters. Bank of Texas and JLD representatives awarded grants to each of the 25 nonprofit agencies in attendance, which are supported by the Junior League of Dallas’ 2024-2025 ...
SocialWhirl is now Philanthropy Lifestyles
2024年3月14日 · The Junior League of Dallas (JLD) and presenting sponsor, Bank of Texas, held its annual Community Grant Presentation on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at JLD Headquarters. Bank of Texas and JLD representatives awarded grants to each of the 25 nonprofit agencies in attendance, which are supported by the Junior League of Dallas’ 2024-2025 ...