What does $QAQ^{-1}$ actually mean? - Mathematics Stack …
2020年4月28日 · I'm self-learning Linear Algebra and have been trying to take a geometric approach to understand what matrices mean visually. I've noticed this matrix product pop up …
What is the value of $1^i$? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2010年8月30日 · The formal moral of that example is that the value of 1i 1 i depends on the branch of the complex logarithm that you use to compute the power. You may already know …
Formal proof for $(-1) \\times (-1) = 1$ - Mathematics Stack …
Is there a formal proof for $(-1) \\times (-1) = 1$? It's a fundamental formula not only in arithmetic but also in the whole of math. Is there a proof for it or is it just assumed?
Why is $1/i$ equal to $-i$? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年5月11日 · While 1/i =i−1 is true (pretty much by definition), if we have a value c such that c ∗ i = 1 then c =i−1. This is because we know that inverses in the complex numbers are unique.
If $A A^{-1} = I$, does that automatically imply $A^{-1} A = I$?
2020年3月30日 · This is same as AA -1. It means that we first apply the A -1 transformation which will take as to some plane having different basis vectors. If we think what is the inverse of A -1 …
Why is $1$ not a prime number? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Why is $1$ not considered a prime number? Or, why is the definition of prime numbers given for integers greater than $1$?
Proof that $(AA^{-1}=I) \\Rightarrow (AA^{-1} = A^{-1}A)$
How do you have A−1 A − 1 defined? Is A A a square matrix? It is in general not true for nonsquare matrices that if AB = I A B = I that BA = I B A = I, so the fact that A A is square …
what is 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - 1/6 + 1/7 - 1/8 +1/9
2019年11月28日 · Please provide additional context, which ideally explains why the question is relevant to you and our community. Some forms of context include: background and …
sequences and series - Why does this pattern work: $1 \cdot {1}
well, for 1^2 it isn't very hard to figure out, but here is the basic explanation. there is one of 11, 111, 1111, etc. in each place value until there have been as many place values as there are …
The sequence of integers $1, 11, 111, 1111, \\ldots$ have two …
2016年5月9日 · Prove that the sequence $\ {1, 11, 111, 1111, .\ldots\}$ will contain two numbers whose difference is a multiple of $2017$. I have been computing some of the immediate …