2025年1月10日 · IK MULTIMEDIA. SOUND BETTER. Solutions for iRig interfaces, controllers, microphones, iLoud micro monitors, UNO synth, and studio software like AmpliTube, SampleTank, T-RackS and more.
AXE I/O ONE - IK Multimedia
AXE I/O ONE is the ultimate compact and affordable 1-in/3-out audio interface designed for musicians who want the best sound possible for recording guitar or bass. It combines IK’s patent-pending Z-Tone® impedance control, an Amp Out for Tone Modeling, multiple circuit topologies, Ableton Live 10 Lite, and award-winning AmpliTube and TONEX software for a complete …
IK Multimedia - iRig Pro I/O
iRig Pro I/O now ships with TONEX SE 对任何放大器、音箱、combo 或踏板的声音进行建模,并将其转换为插件,以便在 Mac/PC 或 iPhone 和 iPad 上使用,以获得终极音色体验。探索 ToneNET 和 IK 的新 TONEX Signature & Tone Partner Collections,发现您一直想拥有的装备。
AXE I/O - IK Multimedia
AXE I/O now ships with TONEX SE Model the sound of any amp, cabinet, combo or pedal, and turn it into a plug-in to use on both Mac/PC or iPhone and iPad for the ultimate tone experience. Explore ToneNET and IK’s new TONEX Signature and Tone Partner Collections and discover gear you’ve always wanted to own.
IK re-invented the modern DAW-based studio with the first mastering software, the first room correction plug-in and the only portable reference micro-monitors
IK Multimedia - iLoud Micro Monitor
iLoud Micro Monitors是2个极度便携,高性能的 双功放音箱,提供了一个组合 50W RMS 功率适用于低音、充足动态余量与立体声声像扩展。无论是在录音、编辑、混音或音频母带处理,iLoud Micro Monitor确保混音将很好的转化为庞大的各类消费电子设备 — 耳机、家庭立体声系统、游戏机、汽车音响系统、TV以及 ...
IK Multimedia Production srl - Via dell'Industria, 46 - 41122 Modena, Italy - Phone: +39 059 285496 - CF/PI: IT02359550361 IK Multimedia US, LLC - 590 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy. - Sunrise, FL 33325 - Phone: (954) 846-9101
IK Multimedia - iLoud Micro Monitor
With iLoud Micro Monitor, you will hear the truth in your music no matter whether you’re mixing in your bedroom, mastering in a small studio or just listening to your favorite tunes at home. And best of all, it offers high-end features that can be found only in monitors in big budget studios, but without the high-end price tag.
IK Multimedia - iRig Keys I/O
Un sistema de producción musical total en un controlador Las series iRig® Keys I/O evolucionan el concepto de los controladores tradicionales como los únicos disponibles en el mercado que integran controladores de 25 y 49 teclas de tamaño completo y una interfaz de audio profesional completamente equipada con audio de 24 bits y hasta 96KHz de frecuencia de muestreo, …
IK Multimedia - iRig Keys I/O
Um sistema completo de produção musical em um controlador A série iRig® Keys I/O evolui o conceito de controladores tradicionais como a única disponível no mercado que integra controladores de 25 e 49 teclas grandes e uma interface de áudio profissional completa com áudio de 24 bits e taxa de amostragem de até 96kHz, saída balanceada estéreo e de fone de …