High-k metal gate (HKMG) technology for CMOS devices
High-k metal gate (HKMG) technology has become one of the front-runners for the next generation of CMOS devices. This new technology incorporates a high-k dielectric, which …
High-k and Metal Gate Transistor Research - Intel
Intel made a significant breakthrough in the 45nm process by using a "high-k" (Hi-k) material called hafnium to replace the transistor's silicon dioxide gate dielectric, and by using new …
High-k/metal gate innovations enabling continued CMOS scaling
High-k dielectrics and metal gate electrodes have entered complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) logic technology, integrated in both gate-first and gate-last schemes. …
Technology of High-k/Metal-Gate Stack - ResearchGate
2024年7月1日 · Abstract and Figures The High-k/Metal-Gate Stack (HKMG) technology represents a seminal advancement in semiconductor fabrication, predicated upon the …
SK hynix Leading the Way in the HKMG Revolution
2022年11月8日 · Head of Process Integration Technology Development at SK hynix discusses what HKMG is, and its technological competitiveness.
[Tech Pathfinder] HKMG Process Unlocks Next-Gen Mobile DRAM
2023年5月3日 · This article will summarize the principle of the HKMG process and how this technology was applied to the LPDDR5X and LPDDR5T.
集成电路HKMG工艺简介(Gate First/Gate Last) - 知乎专栏
2024年4月13日 · 一. 为何要使用HKMG工艺?众所周知,集成电路器件尺寸越做越小,使得在面积不变下可以放入更多的晶体管,以提高集成度,提升芯片性能。而器件尺寸的等比例缩小同时 …
HKMG(High-K 栅氧化物层 +Metal Gate)技术 - 知乎专栏
MOS晶体管需要有较高的栅电容以把电荷吸引至沟道中。这使SiO2栅介质必须非常薄(例如在65 nm工艺中为10.5-12A, 只有4个原子层厚)。当小于这样的厚度时,栅泄漏将增加到不可接受的 …
集成电路制造工艺杂谈(一)HKMG技术概论 - 知乎
众所周知,NMOS管的 栅极和体区需要用氧化层隔离,以达到栅电流为零这一重要目标。现代集成电路工艺的尺寸不断下降,工作电压不断下降,因此 氧化层的厚度也需要下降,常规的氧化 …
High-k/metal gates in the 2010s - IEEE Xplore
2007 saw the introduction of the first high-k/metal gate (HKMG) devices into the marketplace. This marked the return of metal-gate technology on silicon for the first time since polysilicon gates …