The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM) is a non-profit making organisation incorporated in 1999, formed by a group of professional people who are actively involved in the field of facility management.
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management - Facebook
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management, Hong Kong. 683 likes. The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM) is a non-profit making organisation to promote facility management in Hong...
HKiFM Comprehensive Certificate Course on Professional Facility ...
All speakers are Lawyers, experienced Professors of University, Professional Engineers, and Professional Surveyors of reputable consultants / contractors / facility management Company. They will present you with practical information and valuable experience sharing.
HKIFM LLC Gretna LA, 70056 - Company Profile - Cortera
Purchases of key products and services provides insight into whether a business is growing or declining financially. Analyzing spending enables creditors predict risk scenarios before other …
Event Page - BEAM
2024年9月3日 · Organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM), the Comprehensive Certificate Course on Professional Facility Management 2024 is now open for registration which welcomes application from F acility Management (FM) professionals and practitioners who intend to enrich the knowledge in relation to legal regimes, Code of ...
2019年3月22日 · In view of the ever-changing demands from stakeholders, Facility Management professionals have to assist clients to focus on their core business and optimize the financial performance of the respective facilities to their full potential.
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management - ReThink HK
The HKIFM is a non-profit making professional body with the main objective of promoting facility management as one of the leading disciplines and professions in the management of built asset and facilities in Hong Kong.
Leadership core competencies for higher education facilities …
2021年2月17日 · The HKIFM (2010) identifies 11 areas of competencies for the facility manager, listed as follows: law on local real estate, real estate portfolio management, space planning and design management, human resources management, health safety and physical security, logistic management, project and contract management, environmental management ...
The HKIFM Excellence in FM Award 2021 - City University of Hong …
With a view to promoting the facility management profession and recognizing the excellence in performance of delivering quality service to local and overseas facilities, the HKIFM is proud to present the EXCELLENCE IN FACILITY MANAGEMENT AWARD (EFMA) 2021 to organizations and service providers of specialized sectors of the profession.
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management Limited
The Hong Kong Institute of Faculty Management (HKIFM) is a non-profit making organization. The main objectives of the HKIFM is to promote facility management as one of the leading discipline and profession in the management of built asset and facilities in Hong Kong and the region.