GSK-3 - Wikipedia
GSK3 is a bi-lobar architecture with N-terminal and C-terminal, the N-terminal is responsible for ATP binding and C-terminal which is called as activation loop mediates the kinase activity, Tyrosine located at the C-terminal it essential for full GSK3 activity. [41]
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3): regulation, actions, and …
2021年11月27日 · Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) may be the busiest kinase in most cells, with over 100 known substrates to deal with. How does GSK3 maintain control to selectively phosphorylate each substrate, and why was it evolutionarily favorable for GSK3 to ...
糖原合酶激酶3 (GSK-3)概述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
糖原合酶激酶3 (gsk-3)是一个高度保守的蛋白激酶家族。在人类中,两个基因编码两种不同但密切相关的gsk-3形式,称为gsk-3α和 ...
【AmBeed解读】GSK-3——蛋白激酶界的万能角色 - 知乎
另外,GSK-3的活性也会受到其他蛋白的调节, APC 可以增加GSK-3的活性[8], 且APC与Axin形成的复合物能特异性增强GSK-3磷酸化β-catenin的能力[9]。异常激活的GSK-3与人体多种疾病关系密切,如:1)2型糖尿病:GSK-3是参与糖原代谢的关键酶, 能使糖原合成酶磷酸化, 降低 ...
GSK-3β - 百度百科
糖原合成酶 激酶-3 (gsk-3) [2] 是一种在进化上非常保守的 丝氨酸 / 苏氨酸 激酶,普遍存在于哺乳动物 真核细胞 中,除去最早发现的调控糖原合成酶(gs ) 的活性外,gsk-3β还能作用于众多 信号蛋白 结构蛋白 和转录因子,调节 细胞的分化 、增殖、存活和凋亡.在癌症 神经退行性疾病 神经精神 …
Glycogen synthesis and beyond, a comprehensive review of GSK3 …
Glycogen synthase kinase‐3 (GSK3) is a highly evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine protein kinase first identified as an enzyme that regulates glycogen synthase (GS) in response to insulin stimulation, which involves GSK3 regulation of glucose ...
肝醣合成酶激酶3 (GSK-3)概述 - MilliporeSigma
GSK3: a key target for the development of novel treatments for type 2 diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer disease. 23 (1): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1515/rns.2011.061
PI3K/AKT (mTOR和GSK3β)信号通路和光生物调节在糖尿病伤口愈 …
pi3k/akt信号通路开启或关闭一些下游调控蛋白,包括哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mtor)和糖原合酶激酶3 (gsk3)。 AKT磷酸化mTOR和GSK3影响多种生物活性,如增殖、生长和生存。
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3): Its Role and Inhibitors
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3) is one of the Serine/Threonine protein kinases, which has gained a lot of attention for its role in a variety of pathways. It has two isoforms, GSK3α and GSK3β. However, GSK3β is highly expressed in different areas of the brain and has been implicated in Alzheimer's …
GSK3 and its interactions with the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling
Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK3 or GSK-3) is a promiscuous protein kinase and its phosphorylation of its diverse substrates has major influences on many areas of physiology and pathology, including cellular metabolism, lineage commitment and neuroscience. GSK3 was one of the first identified substr …