Glass bedding vs. Pillar Bedding - Long Range Hunting Forum
2008年1月31日 · You don't say what your 22-250 is,VS,VSSF or standard 700. If it is a standard 700 with wood/laminate stock,then you will need to pillar and glass bed.The reason is because wood/laminated stocks can 'crush' when the action screws are …
should i glass bed my guns? | Long Range Hunting Forum
2007年12月18日 · My 270 WSM Featherweight was an average shooter. Then I glass bedded it using Acraglas, and now it shoots like a target rifle. Seriously. Targets to brag about. Targets to wow my shooting buddies. Yes the kit will do two rifles. Following the easy instructions, I built a clay **** where ever I wanted the 'glass' to stop.
Cost of Pillar and Glass Bedding | Long Range Hunting Forum
2009年7月15日 · Glass bed action or pillar bed. cappi; Jan 29, 2008; Replies 2 Views 4K. Jan 30, 2008. royinidaho ...
Does the Accustock eliminate the need to piller and/or glass bed?
2010年12月26日 · I am looking for a rifle that requires the least amount of smithing to shoot good, and am looking at the Accustocked Savages. Does the aluminum block in the stock, or bedding blocks in general, eliminate the need to piller and glass bed an action? Thanks, as you all can tell, I am new to this and appreciate the help.
can glass bedding benefit pillar bedded rifle?
2009年6月17日 · I think that of the 2 processes, full glass bedding is the most consistent accuracy improver, but pillar blocks are very good for stability, and prevent slow crushing on any type of stock and so they also help improve consistency. To me, they go together. Bottom line, If you can't do pillars, glass bed. If you can do pillars, glass bed on top ...
glass bedding a rifle - Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年2月7日 · There are lots of things that go into a accurate rifle. one is a good barrel also a good stock is required. Bedding almost allways helps accuracy but on a 770 it's anybody's guess. There is nothing wrong with the concept but it requires Hand fitting all of the parts and this is just not practical on a production rifle as inexpensive as this rifle.
Glass Bedding Recoil Lug Treatment - Long Range Hunting Forum
2009年3月14日 · If you do it correctly, due to the nature of the bedding process giving a stress free bed, there should be know way once the action screws are tightened that the action could possibly move forward due to the muzzle break pulling the ENTIRE rifle forward. Cheers. lightbulb
bedding a savage - Long Range Hunting Forum
2009年7月16日 · Hey guys, like I said in my previous post, I just finished my 300 win mag with a Stockade stock. I am really wanting to glass bed the action and I want to try doing it myself. Can anyone tell where I can find some good info on how to …
Accuracy improvement after bedding a stock. - Long Range …
2015年12月25日 · It was about. 3/4 moa rifle with factory ammo before and after bedding. Later when i started reloading, I was able to maintain 1/2 moa and less with certain loads. Now I just bed them as a precautionary measure to avoid problems rather than expecting a drastic accuracy impovemet, and that's the way I look at it now.
Glass Bedding and voids in synthetic stock - Long Range Hunting …
2015年4月28日 · Like I said, not looking for a 1000 yd bench gun, but would like to make it as accurate as possible for shooting for 300 out to maybe 500 on targets (not anywhere close to the skill level required to shoot an animal at that distance). Simply from research I have determined that the first thing that needs to be done is to glass bed the action.