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2022 in Photos - Duke Lens | Visual Stories at Duke University
Throughout 2022 images and stories emerged that revealed what makes Duke stand apart in the state, in the region and across the globe. Below are a few of our favorite moments that illuminate the ways Duke is committed to bold thinking, transformative learning, revitalized community, ambitious partnerships and an ever-expanding network of ...
Photo Galleries - Duke University
The official photo galleries for the Duke University .
Digital Collections / Duke Digital Repository
Digitized historic photographs, advertisements, texts & more from Duke's unique library collections.
Photography at Duke - Communicator Toolkit
2017年11月13日 · When choosing (and shooting) images, look for: Avoid excessive shots of campus architecture. Instead, choose classrooms, students, or natural elements (plants, sky, etc.). When applicable, incorporate current event images to convey a theme or topic. Look for editorial images instead of banal “stock” images.
Get Your University DukeCard
Go to Upload Your Photo to submit your photo online. Schedule an appointment to visit the University DukeCard Office to pick up your card. Complete the University Card Request form. Bring the form (completed by you and your department) to the University DukeCard Office to obtain your card.
Duke Lens | Visual Stories at Duke University
Visual stories captured through the lenses of our photographers and videographers that show the ambitious creativity, endless innovation and passion that is the Duke community.
Duke Views | Duke Today
Duke Views. A collection of great photographs of Duke learning, research, community engagement, athletics, health care and campus life
University Archives photograph collection, 1861-2011
The University Archives Photograph Collection consists of photographic prints, negatives, slides, illustrations, and a few daguerreotypes. The majority of the collection was generated by Duke University News Service, Duke University Photography, student …
Ktm Duke Bike HD Wallpapers (85+ images)
Find the best Ktm Duke Bike HD Wallpapers on GetWallpapers. We have 85+ background pictures for you!