File extension .DB - What kind of database is it exactly?
If you're on a Unix-like platform (Mac OS X, Linux, etc), you could try running file myfile.db to see if that can figure out what type of file it is. The file utility will inspect the beginning of the file, looking for any clues like magic numbers, headers, and so on to determine the type of the file.
衰减的单位dB是什么意思? - 知乎
2013年10月3日 · 用分贝表示场量比值时,就会写作: L_{dB}=20log_{10}(A_{1}/A_{0}) 。 二、使用dB这个单位的原因. 首先说说为什么在表达声音响亮强度时,常采用dB这个单位。这主要是因为:人们感官所感觉到声音响度的变化,是与有关量值在变化前后的比值的对数成正比的。
什么是dBm,与dB、dBW的区别? - 知乎
+3 dB = 2x 功率 +6 dB = 4x 功率. dB与dBm的区别总结如下: dB定义为任意两个给定点之间的功率或信号强度之差,而dBm则定义为功率的绝对值或强度,用于确定特定点的信号强度。 与dB不同,dBm是绝对测量单位。dB代表一个相对数字,表示信号强度的增加或减少。
How can I calculate audio dB level? - Stack Overflow
2012年3月21日 · Jorg is correct that dB SPL is a relative measurement. All decibel measurements are. But you've implied a reference of 0 dB SPL, or 20 micropascals, scientifically agreed to be the most quiet sound a human ear can detect (though, understandably, what a person can actually hear is very difficult to determine).
Create Local SQL Server database - Stack Overflow
2017年4月11日 · I've used SQL Server Management Studio before, but only when the server is already up and running. I need to start from the beginning and create my own instance on the local computer.
sql - How to query MongoDB with "like" - Stack Overflow
2010年7月22日 · Planned maintenance impacting Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange sites is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 13:30 UTC - 16:30 UTC (9:30am - 12:30pm ET).
postgresql - How to switch databases in psql? - Stack Overflow
2010年10月16日 · Run psql in command line, it will switch to default database; psql anotherdb, it will switch to the db with the name in argument, on startup. Share Follow
How to select data of a table from another database in SQL Server?
I've used this before to setup a query against another server and db via linked server: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='PWA_ProjectServer', @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLOLEDB', @datasrc='SERVERNAME\PWA_ProjectServer' per the comment above: select * from [server].[database].[schema].[table] e.g.
How to fix Recovery Pending State in SQL Server Database?
2018年9月14日 · Rename the DB and the Log files (Database Properties -> Files) In the Object Explorer window in SQL Management Studio, refresh the 'Databases Folder', if you see that there is another Database node (in addition to the one which you are trying to rectify this issue) which is shown in 'Recovery Pending State' then proceed to the next step.
Query CosmosDb - where array contains item(s) from array
2017年11月27日 · Use the IN operator from Cosmos DB SQL APIs to query entry which is included in the list condition. Like. SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.ZipCodes[0].Code IN ("6500", "6700") Or. SELECT DISTINCT c FROM c JOIN zc IN c.ZipCodes WHERE zc.Code IN …