Nano VFO 3 - simple and powerfull digital VFO - GitHub
Single/double IF superheterodyne. Direct conversion with 2x or 4x output. Direct conversion with quadrature output. SuperLED version will be available later after the victory in the war. Glory to Ukraine! Required libraries: Si5351 VFO with OLED 1.3 and builtin CW-key.
GitHub - g4wnc/si5351-VFO: An adaptation of software by Nick …
This is an adaptation of the excellent general purpose VFO software by Nick Kennedy, WA5BDU. This can be used as part of a homebrew SDR rig or to support experiments in the workshop. …
A simple VFO for the Si5351 for either LCD, LCDI2C or OLED
2020年12月26日 · VFO will NOT tune in TX. LCD connections for for the LinkSprite 16 X 2 LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino. Change as necessary for your LCD. volatile unsigned long frequency = 7100000UL; // This will be the frequency it always starts on. unsigned long iffreq = 0; // set the IF frequency in Hz.
初学做VFO学用SI5351和8051请老师们指点 - HamCQ 社区
1, 49S,49U晶振不要用,太费劲,难调,个人建议直接使用TCXO价格也不贵。 2,用8051这种系列的入门容易资料号,要做个这也是有点些,建议用Arduino Nono这个就好,入门更快,现成的代码也多,搞搞逻辑,明白原理很快可以做出到,像我这个搞了2年,唉,中间也是有几次想放弃。 3,介绍一下上面板子的大概情况: 1) MCU: STC8G1K17A, SOP8. 2) SI5351A. 3) EC11很常见的编码器. 4) OLED I2C屏,中间字体手绘,现成的没有这个费了老大的劲. 暂时这么多, …
GitHub - andrey-belokon/NanoVFO: Simple VFO for …
Simple VFO for portable/micro transceiver based on Si5351 with CW-key - andrey-belokon/NanoVFO
Keil uVision5中没有C51的芯片包——解决 - CSDN博客
2021年8月31日 · 文章浏览阅读2.5w次,点赞23次,收藏52次。 本文提供了一篇详细教程,介绍如何通过链接安装特定软件包,并附带提取码,帮助读者轻松完成技术配置。
基于 VS Code 搭建 C51 单片机开发环境 - CSDN博客
2024年12月25日 · 一次在使用 VS Code 开发 ESP 单片机时,无意发现了 VS Code 也可以开发 C51 单片机,只要安装了 EIDE 插件,连 STM8、STM32 等单片机都可以在 VS Code 上开发。 EIDE(全称 Embedded IDE)是国内开发的 VS Code 插件,经过一段时间的体验,比 Keil 好太多 …
Now a “synthesised VFO” can be built with two cheap chips. A Si5351 programmable clock chip & a microprocessor. Introducing the Si5351: This chip is a programmable clock generator, intended for digital applications. It offers modest performance in the way of timing jitter (which leads to spurious birdies & FM), but turns out to be
C51实现串口1环形FIFO无阻塞数据发送和接收 并解析自定义协议 …
2023年12月25日 · 分类专栏: Arduino 文章标签: C51 串口数据发送 环形FIFO缓冲 单片机 中断数据发送接收 自定义通信协议 stc32 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。
A Simple Si5351 based vfo (signal generator) for ham radio use …
2016年11月5日 · A simple and stable vfo is an integral part for radio experiments. There are several solutions to generate an rf signal ( Popular ones are : ad9850 dds, Si570) for amateure use. Recently the clock generator chip (Si5351A) from Silab is gaining popularity due to its lower cost and ability to generate multiple clock signals (For e.g it can be ...