BB and B | Clay Confectionary, Fake Sweets, Jewelry
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BB and B Clay Confectionary | BB and B
by BB and B Clay Confectionary | Jul 6, 2020 | Updates. PETITE BOW TIE PASTA BB and B invites you to enjoy this carb free collection that is inspired by the Italian farfalle (butterfly) …
BB and B Clay Confectionary | BB and B
by BB and B Clay Confectionary | Apr 3, 2020 | Updates. JEWELED SAKURA COLLECTION BB and B is pleased to introduce our new Sakura “cookie” jewelry collection! Featuring 2 core …
The Crystalline Carriage by BB and B
2019年11月19日 · This Cinderella pumpkin carriage inspired jewelry piece is custom made from top to bottom. From the custom chain, to our custom carriage frame, of course all of the deco …
20.20 Dark Sweets - BB and B
During this season of eeriness and mystery, BB and B brought the lore to life through the creation of the Witch’s Tear Macaron! This frightening and supernatural design features our seasonal …
Blooming Strawberry - BB and B
This strawberry design uses inspiration from the classic handcrafted mold you know from BB and B to create three new versions of these delicious colorways: a soft and bright lemony yellow, a …
Updates | BB and B
LUSCIOUS CHERRIES A gorgeous set of luscious cherries complete with gold leaf charms on custom BB and B stems are the centerpiece of this update! We’ve had our Luscious Cherries …
The bright sweetness of fresh oranges and the refreshing tartness of lemons are flavorfully balanced with rich chocolate and creamy vanilla in BB and B’s recent series, the Citrus Slice …
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Updates | BB and B
BAGEL WITH STRAWBERRIES BB and B is pleased to finally be able to bring our Bagels online! After first introducing them back in 2018 with a small release, they’ve been available in small …