word usage - How do I use "also" in a sentence? - English …
2014年8月20日 · The place that "also" takes in a sentence decides what the sentence would mean: to further explain, even if words in a sentence do not change, it is the particular place …
"moreover" vs "likewise" vs "in addittion" vs "furthermore" vs "as …
"Also" is simplest, and always appropriate. "Likewise" will usually refer to a comparison of two things, not a whole group. "Furthermore" is a little more formal, which is good for articles or …
Difference between "furthermore", "moreover", "in addition to", …
2015年9月22日 · While it does mean "in addition to" as the dictionary says, its usage is more appropriate in substitution of the phrase "not only that". 'Also' is more informal but serves the …
grammar - also have or have also - English Language Learners …
Note that there are two more variations: (1) move also in front of would, and (2) move also to the end of the sentence. – Jason Bassford Commented Oct 12, 2018 at 6:03
The subtle difference between "also" and "plus."
2021年2月5日 · The 'and' is significant. We say "and also" when something is additional, and it is this context where we can switch "and also" with 'plus'. For example, some people may count …
I 'was' or I 'were'? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2019年2月14日 · This sentence also suggests a hypothetical and impossible scenario because I can never be you. In the old days, "I wish I was young" to express an impossible scenario was …
prepositions - In our end or On our end - English Language …
2019年12月5日 · It is a mistake. "Our end" (or "my end") refers to someone's side of an arrangement, procedure, or sometimes a point of view.
"While (the) stock(s) last(s)" (also, "out of stock" and "in stock")
2024年3月29日 · Which of these is/are correct and why? while stocks last (as in e.g. Offer/promotion valid while stocks last) while stock last while stock lasts while the stocks last …
word choice - "For your reference" or "For your information"
It can also be a subtle suggestion that the recipient should use the accompanying information to complete some task. All of these phrases would sound out of place or redundant in direct reply …
Would be or will be - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2019年10月1日 · Also, just because a person likes a particular genre, it isn't a certainty that they will enjoy the book, which they won't really know until after they have read it. Really then, …