ADHEAR Bone Conduction System - MED-EL
ADHEAR is designed for people with conductive hearing loss—meaning the outer or middle ear is damaged. It gently vibrates the bone behind your ear, sending sound directly to your inner ear to provide natural sound quality.
ADHEAR Bone Conduction System - MED-EL
ADHEAR uses the latest generation of bone conduction technology to give you great hearing, with no surgery required. Simply stick the ADHEAR adapter behind your ear, click on the audio processor, and start hearing instantly.
Adhear - definition of adhear by The Free Dictionary
To stick fast to something; stay attached: Glue makes the wallpaper adhere to the wall. 2. To remain devoted to or be in support of something: adhered to her beliefs. 3. To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation: We will adhere to …
ADHEAR is the world’s first non-surgical bone conduction device that does not exert any pressure on the skin. This makes it very convenient and comfortable, yet powerful. Hearing outcomes in patients with ADHEAR rival those with systems that apply pressure to the skull [ft] and even implantable bone conduction solutions.
ADHEAR is a revolutionary bone conduction system which fills an unmet need in the field of non-surgical bone conduction hearing solutions. With its unique concept, ADHEAR provides a viable solution for people suffering from conductive hearing loss or single-sided deafness, offering them a life full of sound.
Sistema de Conducción Ósea ADHEAR - MED-EL
ADHEAR es un revolucionario sistema de conducción ósea que ayuda a las personas con hipoacusia conductiva o hipoacusia profunda unilateral a oír sin cirugía. Es tan sencillo como: Pegar. Unir. Oír.
ADHEAR System by MED-EL: An Overview of the Research and …
2019年10月21日 · ADHEAR is the first and only non-surgical bone conductor that does not require the use of pressure against the skin. In other words, ADHEAR can be worn all day long without discomfort. In addition, ADHEAR represents the first long-term use of an adhesive adaptor in hearing technology.
ADHEAR Tips & Tricks for Professionals - MED-EL Professionals Blog
2018年9月19日 · ADHEAR is our revolutionary non-surgical solution for both temporary and chronic conductive hearing loss. Today, we’re going through our top tips for getting the best performance from ADHEAR for your patients. If you haven’t …
A Comparative Study of a Novel Adhesive Bone Conduction …
The ADHEAR (MED-EL, Innsbruck, Austria) system consists of a bone conduction audio processor that is retained on the head with an adhesive adapter placed over the mastoid behind the auricle. The integrated transducer in the audio processor converts sound into mechanical vibrations that are transmitted via the adhesive adapter and relayed ...
Adhear is an innovative, content creation agency that began as a part-time freelance design gig. Seven years later, we have expanded our services to all aspects of content creation and have been hired by more than 150 clients nationwide.