Pros/Cons S&W 3953? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年6月10日 · I see a these for sale occasionally and am thinking about getting one. Please chime in with opinions about this model.
**SOLD** FS 3913/3953 Factory Magazines - smith …
2025年2月3日 · For sale, three stainless factory 8-round magazines for the 3913 / 3953 / 3914 / 3954 9mm handguns. These are getting hard to find and are priced accordingly. They are still …
3913 and 3953, difference? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2024年6月18日 · What is the difference between the S&W 3913/3914 and the S&W 3953?
3rd Gen Journey: 5906->3913->3953 - Smith & Wesson Forum
2014年6月7日 · Several weeks ago I had never even held a third generation S&W automatic. Now I own three thanks to S&W Forum. I ran across a nice, early 5906 on a local forum and got it …
Fraternal twins: 3953
2024年11月19日 · Just over a thousand units apart from one another, s/n-wise. What I assume is an LE contract model has no agency marking/s, and dead Trijicons. The other pistol is the …
3953 DAO - smith-wessonforum.com
2017年8月15日 · I have a TJA94xx 3953 from Newark PD that SW dates at 6/1991. Also have TJB33xx also NPD that SW also dates 6/1991. I have a record of another TJA92xx with Box …
S&W 3953, New to Me - smith-wessonforum.com
2023年3月4日 · Picked up a new-to-me S&W 3953 on Friday from forum member robrossk. This unit was a special order. It lacks the magazine disconnect safety. This weapon will most likely …
S&W 3953 holster recommendations - Smith & Wesson Forum
2023年1月17日 · I have a “new to me” 3953 on its way. It should be here Friday. Friday the 13th! Looking for double clip IWB holster recommendations.
3913 vs. 3953 - smith-wessonforum.com
2016年8月20日 · The 3953 is obviously a little slimmer without the slide-mounted decockers/safeties but those safeties certainly don't make the 3913's un-carryable! Also note …
3953 slide on a 3954 - smith-wessonforum.com
2024年12月4日 · I just purchased a 3954 to keep my 3913 and 3914 company. The only thing is the slide is stainless. Shop that sold it says the owner probably had them both and swapped …