anova - What does sig value 0.000 mean? - Cross Validated
2016年8月25日 · May someone advise how a significant value of 0.000 be interpreted in a one way within subject ANOVA test, with one independent var, comprising of 2 levels.
sql - How to find any variation of the number zero; 0, 0.0, 00.00, 0. ...
2018年1月13日 · Assuming the assignment is to exclude all strings that consist entirely of zero's, at most one decimal point and possibly leading and/or trailing spaces, here is one way to do it, which requires only standard string functions (and therefore should be faster than any regular-expression solution).
c - Why is the output 0.0000? - Stack Overflow
2017年1月26日 · I would like to know why the output in this program is 0.0000: { int a = 65; char c = (char)a; int m = 3.0/2; printf("%f\n", 5 / 2); return (0); }
Regular expression to check 0 , 00 , 000 , 0000 , 00.00
2017年8月20日 · I want check that a strings does not contain value 0. That is, strings like 0 , 00 ,00.00 are not allowed, but it should allow field like 10.00 , 11.01, 0.12 In short I want to check curre...
P value equal to 0.000 in every test: how is it possible?
2018年8月21日 · $\begingroup$ Two options. One: you are doing something wrong with the software. To check this, try running the test on some data you know is normal and make sure you don't get a small p-value.
Why does 0.00 have zero significant figures and why throw out the ...
2023年8月10日 · Per the accepted answer here: How many significant figures in 0.0 Supposedly, a value like 0.00 has no significant figures. However the implication of that measurement is that the true value could
What does it mean 0 0.000e+00 in statistical test in R?
2021年12月8日 · I can`t find any information about what does it mean this value of p-value 0 0.000e+00 If somebody can help me with this? I did Post Hoc to Permutation Anova - with this code: SJ4100__ =
In .NET, how can I convert from "0.000" to a 'long'?
2010年6月8日 · I have a string, "0.000" (or any similar string), that I would like to convert to a long. I am happy to "chop-off" anything after the decimal.
c# - numeric format strings #,#0.00 vs #,0.00 - Stack Overflow
2020年10月23日 · I tried to figure out the basics of these numeric string formatters. So I think I understand the basics but there is one thing I'm not sure about So, for example #,##0.00 It turns out that it prod...
convention - it is correct to write 0,000 or just 0? - Mathematics ...
2017年1月16日 · $0,000$ cannot be taken wrong, it clearly denotes the value $0$. By the way, the same question holds for every trailing zeroes. F.i. $3,45000$ is all right for $3,45$. Anyway, as said by @skyking, showing the trailing zeroes stresses that they are exact.