We are hosting a high-energy Summer Jobs and Graduating Students Career Fair at The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER on the Fredericton campus. With approximately 2,800 UNB graduates per year, this career ...
Our vision is to empower every student to achieve their wellness and academic goals. We’re driven by values of authentic student engagement, a student-centered approach, responsiveness, inclusion, ...
We are the English-second-language training institute for the University of New Brunswick Saint John. We have welcomed thousands of international students over the past 25 years and we can't wait to ...
The Spatial Computing Training and Research Lab (SPECTRAL) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) is working with partner companies, such as Kognitiv Spark, to teach students how to advance ...
Enhance workplace well-being and inclusivity with our Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL), Certificate in Becoming a Psychologically Safe & Inclusive Employee (CPSIE), and wellness ...
Welcome to the University of New Brunswick - where faculty, staff and students come together to experience the UNB legacy and make their mark. We invite you to search our current position vacancies ...
In 2021, the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT) released the first report in a Population and demographics count series that provides a snapshot of the population of New ...
Do you spend a lot of time considering the world around you? The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management inspires students to solve natural and environmental problems from a holistic, systems ...
Last year, one in two students entering UNB received a scholarship. Our scholarship support ranges from $500 to $100,000. The Loran Scholars Foundation looks beyond grades to identify values-driven ...
Get hands-on support from Canada’s top cybersecurity researchers. Help us build industry-leading cybersecurity technology. And face emerging threats with company-specific, cross-disciplinary research.
Whether you are a front-line practitioner, a caregiver, or a healthcare professional, our programs will help you provide more effective support to people with behaviour disorders, such as Autism ...
At the Centre for Nuclear Energy Research (CNER), we specialize in water chemistry control and corrosion detection, monitoring, and prevention to give you the peace of mind you deserve.