中新网北京3月20日电 (张静 梁小燕)“体重问题需要科学系统的管理,专业医疗卫生机构应该发挥更大作用。” 日前,首都医科大学附属北京中医医院“体重管理-肥胖症一体化诊疗中心”成立。该院党委书记刘中勋表示,诊疗中心将“调气通浊”“辨证施膳”等中医智慧与西医精准诊疗结合,中西医协同实现患者全流程科学管理。 同期发布的《肥胖症中西医协同防治方案》将西医精准诊疗与中医辨证论治深度融合,形成中医体质辨识、 ...
The pluripotent and multipotent stem cells are found in the bone marrow, which can differentiate into any tissue in the body.
Epigenetic marks are chemical modifications found throughout the genome – the DNA within cells. By influencing the activity of nearby genes, the marks govern developmental processes and help cells to ...