Volkswagen showcased the ID Buzz at the San Diego International Auto Show, an all-electric version of a classic microbus with new tech and nostalgic design.
NASA has a long history of translating astronomy data into beautiful images that are beloved by the public. Through its Chandra X-ray Observatory and Universe of Learning programs, NASA brings that ...
The Things Stack is an open source LoRaWAN network stack suitable for large, global and geo-distributed public and private networks as well as smaller networks. The architecture follows the LoRaWAN ...
Quantum calorimeters are opening this new window on the Universe. First promised four decades ago, the quantum-calorimeter era of X-ray astronomy has finally dawned. A quantum calorimeter is a device ...
A study published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures explores the fascinating and complex dynamics of the stacking of blocks subjected to hazards. Carried out by Vincent Denoël ...
Life on our planet has experienced many mass extinctions over its 4.5 billion years. Scientists see evidence for at least five major episodes that eradicated creatures great and small. And many ...