The rate of sepsis shot up more than 50% for women hospitalized when they lost their pregnancies in the second trimester, ProPublica found. The surge in this life-threatening condition ...
Background: Sepsis is a major public health problem. Social factors may affect health behaviors, economic resources, and immune response, leading to hospitalization for infection. This study ...
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that ...
Epidemiology is a field of medicine that studies the incidence, causes and effects of diseases in populations, and patterns within these. It has a key role in protecting public health and can ...
Boston, MA – The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute is proud to announce the launch of the Center for Sepsis Epidemiology and Prevention Studies (SEPSIS). This pioneering center of excellence ...
The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute is proud to announce the launch of the Center for Sepsis Epidemiology and Prevention Studies (SEPSIS). This pioneering center of excellence is dedicated ...
“A prospective pan India registry,” said Kapil Zirpe, head, Department of Neurocritical Care, Ruby Hall Clinic, Grant Medical Foundation, Pune, “will tell us which are the common organisms causing ...
GlobalData’s sepsis epidemiology forecast sheds light on the future burden of this critical threat. The latest report forecasts an increase in the diagnosed incident cases of sepsis and septic shock ...
In 2005, 17,542 children were hospitalized with severe sepsis in the seven states; which represented an 81% increase in pediatric severe sepsis cases since 1995 (n = 9,675) and a 45% increase ...
Objective Early identification of sepsis could enable prompt delivery of key interventions such as fluid resuscitation and antibiotic administration which, in turn, may lead to improved patient ...