A new study conducted by dating app The League found that healthcare workers like doctors and nurses were considered the 'sexiest' profession among singles ...
Rachel Tashjian is the fashion critic for The Washington Post's Style section, covering fashion worn by the many and the few, including clothing seen on the runway, in politics, in entertainment ...
A survey of 2,000 single Americans revealed that 56% of respondents agreed it’s important that their partners have the same ...
The trend took the internet by storm, but the finance bro ideal ranks in a surprising place according to new data.
The survey of 1,000 single men and 1,000 single women aimed to uncover the hottest careers of 2025 and which are the most ...
In a striking shift from recent dating trends, healthcare professionals have emerged as the most attractive potential ...
Despite last summer being spent looking for men in finance, just under a fifth of women are still looking for a finance bro.
Careers in health care, law, education and entrepreneurship remain the most desirable, thanks to their mix of stability, ...
But now, its time for finance bros to step aside, as there’s a new career considered to be the hottest of 2025: health care.