The nursery and rhymes day at Curro Chartwell celebrated the magic of reading and storytelling, as their executive head Angie Bezuidenhout captivated the children, reading from a selection of beloved ...
The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and ...
Da’ is a classic Paul McCartney effort, however, John Lennon wasn't a fan of the track and called it "granny sh*t".
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and ...
Ollie was "driven mad" by "twangy", "nasty" and "relentlessly unpleasant versions" of these traditional ditties and dreamt of ...
Neupane is one of the few people—if not the only one—in Nepal devoted to the art of theatrical sound design. What makes him ...
The storyline in Uli and Tata is really the intersection of culture and nature infused with music. Both Chief and Sarah come ...
"My kids love it. How a simple thing can keep them entertain that much and expand their imagination. Really worth it." ...
Music is such a gateway to creativity and joy, and that can start when our children are very young, even when they’re just a ...
After a career teaching music, Ms Rachel's net worth grew massively from her successful YouTube career entertaining kids. Here's how she did it ...
It’s easy to imagine Mary Todd Lincoln sitting in the Oval Office in the 1860s, supporting her husband through his presidency ...
Show-stopping performances and incredible vocals await as the queens of SIX the Musical rewrite her-story tonight!