In a bid to combat bureaucratic sluggishness, some regions in China have intensified efforts to crack down on officials deemed "lying flat" — a term used to describe civil servants who are ...
The Impact of 'Lying Flat' Culture The phrase "a pile of mud cannot support a wall" captures the chaotic state of the Super League perfectly. Many players seem to engage in theatrics during crucial ...
A WOMAN has been found “mummified and skeletal” after lying dead in a flat for fourteen years. The police are now searching ...
lying supine, you can see what’s above you, but not what’s in front of you. A cardiac surgeon lent me some unusual spectacles which, instead of having two regular flat lenses, had two small ...
It bears resemblance to China’s “lying flat” movement, which tells young people to opt out of the economic race and settle for mediocre workplace success and modest consumer fulfilment.