Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers) in the original film and three sequels, the most recent of which was released in 2010. “It’s evident ...
The donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy's iconic character in the Shrek franchise has died aged 30. Named Perry, the miniature donkey was born in 1994 but died after battling a hoof disease called ...
Gary Lineker and Danny Murphy delivered a unanimous verdict on the controversial decision to award Joao Pedro a penalty against Arsenal on Saurday. The Brighton star converted his spot-kick to ...
The donkey thought to have inspired Eddie Murphy's character in the Shrek films has died aged 30. Miniature donkey Perry died after battling a painful hoof disease called laminitis, according to ...
Meanwhile, Murphy is set to play funk legend George Clinton in an upcoming biopic directed by Bill Condon. The script, written by Virgil Williams, is based on Clinton’s memoir Brothas Be ...
Today in Washington, Joe Biden awarded Ralph Lauren the Presidential Medal of Freedom, making him the first fashion designer in history to receive the highest civilian honor. Joined by his wife ...
Ralph Lauren was honored today as a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded to nineteen recipients chosen by President Joe Biden, in a ceremony held in Washington D.C. The award ...
Today marks an important day in American fashion history: Ralph Lauren is set to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden. The meaningful ceremony will be held in ...
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will award the nation’s highest civilian honor to more than a dozen politicians, philanthropists and cultural icons, the White House announced Saturday.
Ralph Lauren, the legendary American designer whose preppy threads have become synonymous with East Coast chic, made history when he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom over the weekend.
There’s no name more synonymous with American fashion than Ralph Lauren. Since he established his company more than half a century ago, Lauren has proved himself time and again to be a masterful ...
By Jacob Gallagher On Saturday, the United States of America’s clothier in chief met its commander in chief, as Ralph Lauren became the first fashion designer to receive the Presidential Medal ...