A Delhi court has pulled up the investigating officer for allegedly implicating the accused using a "manipulated video" in a February 2020 riots case and asked the police commissioner to take note.
covers farming and agricultural policy for Sentient. Her reporting has been published in Truthdig and the Good Men Project. Hussain holds her Master of Science in Animals and Public Policy from Tufts ...
The 'Chehlum' of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) will be observed on Saturday across the country with religious reverence to remember the supreme sacrifices rendered by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his ...
Iraqi authorities are working to exhume the remains of around 100 Kurdish women and children thought to have been killed in the 1980s under former Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein, three officials said. The ...
according to a Texas imam. Shamsud-Din Jabbar, who was shot dead by police after the New Year’s Day massacre, had visited Beaumont, Texas, early last year to help care for his father ...
There are grave fears for a missing Aussie surfer after a suspected shark attack in water where a man was fatally mauled just over a year ago. The experienced surfer, aged in his late 20s ...