Chung et al. examine the levels of glycoprotein non-metastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) in the blood of patients with renal cell carcinoma who acquire resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitor ...
Zombie cells are a hot topic in the scientific community, with groundbreaking research being conducted worldwide to find ways ...
Chung et al. examine the levels of glycoprotein non-metastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) in the blood of patients with renal cell carcinoma who acquire resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitor ...
为探究细菌感染时自噬体 - 溶酶体融合机制,研究人员聚焦 GPNMB,发现其抑制自噬,或成抗菌新靶点。 在微观的细胞世界里,细菌与人体免疫系统时刻都在上演着一场激烈的 “战争”。胞内细菌病原体十分狡猾,它们能躲避免疫系统的监视,偷偷藏在宿主细胞 ...
This study profiled patient-derived tumor samples utilizing single-cell RNA sequencing and proteomics platforms to uncover the upregulation of glycoprotein non-metastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB) in ...