Our mission at the World Bank is to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. Through the Community Connections program, we live these goals in our own communities via ...
They receive increased payments based on their cost per discharge in a base year. AHA Position — Cosponsor the Rural Hospital Support Act (S.335) & the Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals (ARCH) ...
The University of Houston's medical school will ask the Texas legislature for $200 million to build a community hospital in Harris County — part of an ambitious goal to significantly grow the ...
These infections are typically easily treated. More serious infections can be more challenging to treat and can lead to an extended hospital stay and serious illness. It is these more severe ...
Gifting allows recipients to access the article for free. Endeavor Health is laying off 100 employees at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights as it eliminates inpatient psychiatric ...
Shifting more care out of hospital and into the community is one of the improvements outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan and will help ensure we meet the changing health needs of the country over the ...
Traditional urban and suburban development has led to sprawl and social isolation which have had detrimental effects on community cohesion and the environment. Alongside this phenomenon ...