These elements combined to create a renaissance of folk music during this decade. Folk festivals in the 1980s became significant events, celebrating the genre’s rich heritage and its modern ...
With primal percussion, hypnotic harmonies and immersive ethno-drama performances, Ukrainian folk group YAGÓDY brings its mesmerizing sound to North America for the first time this spring.
Aer Lingus representatives, Music City Irish Fest's CEO Brenda Willis, Irish musician Niall McCabe highlight long ties ...
There are a great many other recordings of Israeli folk music; I mention two which do not include songs well-known to certain of us (such as "Hava Negila," which is now making a hit as a rock 'n ...
Folk duo Ana and Eric were among the Newfoundland ... Labrador musicians are hoping to avoid reliance on the United States to sell their music and book gigs. MusicNL executive director Tamara ...
While pulled over for distracted driving, the Celtic-music sister duo were asked by Ohio patrol officers about their love for ...
Watching the Rosie Hood Band is a bit like picking up a folky version of one of those Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls books. It’s an evening full of little portraits of interesting people, of tales ...
Rambling facial hair, open-toed sandals and an acoustic guitar all help create the image of the lovable folk fan. Saima Razzaq dispels the myth. The caricature of the grizzled, hippy-ish music fan ...
The city dwellers of Zurich in particular took a liking to Swiss folk music in the 1920s. It was in Zurich at this time that the term “Ländlermusik” became established.