CNC mills need a touch sensor to measure e.g. the center of a workpiece. This repository hold data on how to build such a sensor and the code to operate it with a WLAN based basestation. The sensor ...
The FOSSASIA Summit is the closest we have to FOSDEM in Asia. It’s a free and open-source event taking place each year in Asia, and FOSSASIA 2025 will take place in Bangkok, Thailand on March 13-15 ...
static_background_pattern: This branch allows to light up specific letters always during clock mode. E.G., to display some special words in another color. To program the ESP8266 with the Arduino IDE, ...
The build is pretty simple overall but it does assume you have a CNC to cut the basic shape out ... strips right from the digital pins of the ESP8266. The software side is setup to be controlled ...
The ESP8266 is the reigning WiFi wonderchip, quickly securing its reputation as the go-to platform for an entire ecosystem of wireless devices. There’s nothing that beats the ESP8266 on a ...