Workforce flexibility is key to enhancing productivity and business scalability, said NMP Mark Lee in parliament on Thursday ...
LABOUR issues dominated the second day of the Budget debate on Thursday (Feb 27), from employers’ talent shortages to ...
A teenage part-time worker in Singapore quit after a full-timer publicly shamed her in a staff group chat. The incident ...
LETTING smaller businesses hire more Employment Pass (EP) holders and having work permit hires from more countries were among ...
In the dynamic world of finance, it’s essential to navigate the complexities of financial ratios. Today, we unravel the ‘Current Ratio,’ a key metric used to assess a company’s financial ...
Financial ratios are calculations that compare two (or more) pieces of financial data that are normally found in a company's financial statements. Ratios can be invaluable to investors making ...
As part of the levy framework, the Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) sets a limit on the proportion of foreign workers a company can employ in its total workforce, ensuring controlled and strategic ...
An expense ratio is a measure of how much it costs to operate a mutual fund or ETF, expressed as a percentage of the fund's net assets Lower expense ratios indicate a more cost-effective ...
One study of 22 countries from 1870 to 2016 found a “significant positive association between population growth and inflation”. Rising dependency ratios and falling populations typically sap economic ...
They must meet certain criteria, such as keeping within a sub-Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) of 8 per cent for NTS Work Permit holders in the NTS Occupation List, paying their Work Permit holder ...