21 February 2025 Alumnus appointed as the 2024 Ashok Kumar Fellow IChemE and the Materials Processing Institute (MPI) have announced the appointment of Joe Greaves (undergraduate chemical engineering ...
Last year Norman Pearson cut out early on Thanksgiving dinner with his family, having been called to fire-police duty by Gasport Chemical Hose Company. It was one of 140 calls that he responded to ...
Watering can be an everyday task in summer, but to ensure you use only the water you need and that it goes just where you want it, a spray gun attached to the end of your hose is an essential piece of ...
U.S. President Donald Trump and most of America don’t understand Canada, don’t want to, never will. That’s why they are in for a big, nasty surprise. We don’t strut, trumpet, threaten or ...
Hunting for the best garden hose is anything but straightforward. The packaging will shout about a hose's flexibility, manoeuvrability, durability and more. Add in anti-kink, anti-twist, anti-crush ...
Product safety, measuring the health effects of exposure to chemicals and chemical contaminants in food.
Understanding adsorbate-induced phenomena and leveraging them in the design of improved catalysts presents an exciting challenge that is only beginning to be addressed. This Review explores how ...
With global companies seeking to de-risk their supply chains, which are dependent on China, the chemical sector in India has the opportunity for a significant growth. * The Dahej PCPIR project in ...
As part of Canada's largest engineering school and most innovative university, the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo is home to approximately 1,000 students, faculty and ...
Gates new MegaSys product line now includes nine, constant pressure hoses that have the smallest bend radius of any SAE-equivalent hose in the industry. The Gates spiral-wire and wire-braid hoses ...