With over 45,000 species of spiders worldwide, there is an ocean of information and facts to uncover about them. Two spider species, the Wolf Spider (Lycosidae) and the Brown Recluse spider ...
The Galapagos Penguins are native to the Galapagos Islands. These penguin species are endangered due to the climate change and habitat loss. They also face the threat of declining food sources. The ...
Let's take a closer look at some of the most common house spiders you might encounter! These small, brown spiders typically spin messy cobwebs in corners, garages and basements. They're harmless ...
As the name would lead you to believe, the American house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) is one of the most common house spiders in North America. These small, brown spiders typically spin messy ...
Over 40,000 species of Spiders are discovered each year. Nonetheless, countless different species of spiders are becoming increasingly endangered. Many people worldwide have arachnophobia (fear of ...
If you suspect a brown recluse spider bite, start by thoroughly washing the area with soap and water. Apply an antibiotic cream, such as bacitracin, to help prevent infection, and contact a healthcare ...
MADERA COUNTY, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – The baby spider monkey found after a Madera County traffic stop has finally been given a name – a name the Oakland Zoo says honors her roots. Officials with ...
Mexican spider monkeys are a highly endangered species. In California, it is illegal to own primates privately. There is an underground world of primate ownership in the United States, where ...
OAKLAND, Calif (FOX26) — The Spider monkey that was found during a traffic stop in Madera County last week continues to do well, Oakland Zoo says. The zoo announced ...
Oakland Zoo rescues Azules, a malnourished Mexican spider monkey, shedding light on illegal wildlife trafficking's impact on primates. Azules, recovering at the zoo, highlights dangers of primate ...
“Spider monkeys are illegal. You cannot possess them,” said the director of Madera County Animal Services Amy Toler. “It is on the endangered species list. Definitely can’t have them here in ...
The female spider monkey, which zoo officials estimate to be about five or six months old, was brought to their veterinary facility malnourished, suffering from an upper respiratory infection and ...