The right strategy for any tower defense game means selecting the right units. In Bloons TD 6, the most important of these choices is the hero tower.
IT之家 2 月 2 日消息,Epic 游戏商城面向其用户发布邮件,称移动版商城进行了首次更新,同时从这次更新开始,除新推出的第三方游戏外,还将推出每月移动端免费游戏计划。本月的赠送游戏是《Dungeon of the Endless:Apogee》及《Bloons TD 6》。 IT之家从 Epic 官网获悉,iPhone,iPad 及 Android ...
现已推出Epic游戏商城现已登陆移动平台现在就在移动设备上游玩《Fortnite》,《糖豆人》与《Rocket League Sideswipe》!
Epic Games 将为参与免费游戏计划的 iOS 开发者支付一年的 CTF 费用,IT之家此前曾报道苹果欧洲新规,该费用收取为每安装一次 iOS 应用征收 50 欧分,年下载量超过 100 万次后开始征收。
Welcome to Bloons TD, the ultimate tower defense game where strategy and tactics are your greatest tools. Build, upgrade, and defend your base against waves of balloons in this unblocked version.