West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday (December 31) announced that Kolkata’s Star Theatre, a cultural institution of the city, would be renamed Binodini Mancha or Binodini theatre.
The best 4K projectors are still the ultimate way for you to get an immersive theater experience at home. All of the projectors in this guide are capable of beaming a larger image than any regular ...
3 and 4 at the Agora Theatre. This new year includes anniversaries galore, 2025 marking not only 50 years since the release of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee act’s classic album “Wish ...
Intricate linen masks were central to theater performances in ancient Greece. Credit: Carole Raddato, CC BY-SA 2.0 One of the most enduring art forms from ancient Greece is that of theater. Greek ...
As 2024 comes to a close, New York City's top theatre critics have been taking stock of this theatre season- deciding on their personal choices for their favorite productions of the year.
Tombazis & Associates SA. The iconic Lycabettus open-air theater in Athens reopened last year after undergoing a comprehensive restoration. With a history spanning fifteen years of closure, the ...
28 at the Agora Theatre in Cleveland. (Submitted) Now it appears that the Lakewood resident is about to enter into his third act with life, as it often does, unveiling his next challenge.
“Cleveland has been a focus for AEG Presents since renovating the iconic Agora six years ago. With a design focused on the best live experience, Globe Iron will be a must-play venue in the ...
Nazareth and Badfinger performing live at the BBC's Paris Theatre in London in June 1972. Featuring Called Her Name, Black Hearted Woman, Sweet Tuesday Morning, Feelin' Alright and Take It All.
We have gathered all the information for you in one convenient spot, but please keep in mind that these are subject to change. We do our best to keep everything updated, but something might be out of ...
In newest version you can define installation configuration in package.json (or .npmrc, while package.json has a higher priority), usually you can just provide "prebuilt", and "arch".
The community developer Syanbo developed 1.0 version React Native SDK based on the Agora Native SDK from 2016 to 2017. As the community's demand for React Native SDK keeps growing, Agora has achieved ...