Do Female CV Disease Patients With Female Physicians Fare Better? Female physicians have better patient outcomes compared with their male peers, while female patients are less likely to receive ...
ASPPH fellowships provide unique opportunities for recent graduates of ASPPH-member CEPH-accredited schools and programs of public health to apply their education and contribute to public health ...
Clinical areas that represent the core body of knowledge for a graduate of the HSS fellowship program in Adult Reconstruction Surgery (ARS) are: bilateral and unilateral hip and knee replacements, ...
The Y. Eva Tan Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program builds on Mongabay’s long-running internship program, which has helped bolster the capacity of environmental journalists in a field where such ...
Women international medical graduates face unique challenges in securing a cardiology fellowship, including being away from family and friends, adapting to a new culture, mastering a second language, ...
The Killam Fellowships Program is designed for students wishing to participate in an exchange or study abroad to the United States. Successfully recipients of the Killam Fellowships Program award will ...
We wish to ensure all applicants to OHSU’s residency and fellowship programs have complete ... For example, if someone completed eighteen months of an ACGME program, they would come in as a PGY 2 for ...
NASA Postdoctoral Program Seeks Early Career and Senior Scientists for Prestigious Fellowships at Its Locations Across the U.S. Program offers unique and inspiring environment for fellows to ...
[1] Unfortunately, CVD is still viewed as a male disease and the participation rates of women in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs reflects this perception. Ades and colleagues [2] reported ...
The Victorian Heart Institute is excited to announce a new initiative to help cardiology registrars feel more familiar during their first months on the job. The course is held at The Victorian Heart ...
The UAB Division of Cardiovascular Disease is an integral part of one of the nation's largest health systems. Nationally known for our compassionate care, cutting-edge research, and comprehensive ...