CESTAT Delhi held that FOB value is the transaction value and customs officer has no right to interfere/ modify the FOB value of the goods. Thus, appeal of exporter’s allowed and order set aside.
Shakira fans flocking to see the Colombian star in concert are generating tens of millions of dollars for Mexico, according ...
The Golden State Warriors was one of the major winners around the trade deadline as they traded for superstar forward Jimmy ...
The long-term care robot portal site management office released the English version of the "Long-term Care Tech Portal" ( ...
I'm sure that Google wants things to be extremely polished and sophisticated for the Pixel's tenth jubilee. They want the Pixel 10 Pro to be looking, performing, and feeling way above the "good" level ...
东南网是由福建省委宣传部主管、福建日报报业集团主办的福建官方新闻门户网站。福州昨晚电闪雷鸣今天一大早不少小伙伴被惊雷“炸”醒据气象部门监测福州3月14日00:00到3月14日07:14之间共发生515次闪电活动福州市气象台05:30继续发布雷电黄色预警信号随后福建省气象台连发强对流警报、暴雨警报其中提到福州西部的局部县市有 ...
In this issue of BJN, Bessa et al. 1 present their article entitled “Real-world setting cost-effectiveness analysis of thymoglobulin versus no induction therapy in adult kidney transplant recipients ...
The Google Pixel 9 series features a slightly revamped design, three different Pro models, a stronger emphasis on AI, and plenty of other changes. It also represents one of the biggest deviations ...