Enhanced observability and security framework built to fully prevent DNS exfiltration (C2, tunnelling) with no data loss using XDP, TC, Netfilter, BPF_MAPs. Ring Buffers, Running eBPF inside linux ...
HA Custom Component to integrate data from ABB/Power-One/FIMER PV Inverters that support SunSpec Modbus (Sunspec M1, M101, M103, M160), natively or through the VSN300 wifi logger card.
[导读]【2025年3月26日, 德国慕尼黑讯】继推出业界首款PFC和混合反激(HFB)组合IC后,全球功率系统和物联网领域的半导体领导者英飞凌科技股份公司(FSE代码:IFX / OTCQX代码:IFNNY)又推出E型混合反激控制器系列。专为高性能应用设计的全新XDP™混合反激数字 ...
TC Energy Corp operates as an energy infrastructure company, consisting of pipeline and power generation assets in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Its pipeline network consists of over ...