Alive St James showcased its new Anti Wave Lane Ropes at West Norfolk Swimming Club's Open Spring Meeting at the weekend.
从幼年因好奇拆掉一辆玩具车开始,来自新加坡的梅彦昌一直觉得,发明创造深藏于他的基因中,伴随且指引其一生。他既热衷于开拓创新,研究将高性能生物材料应用到医学器材上(拥有127项原创专利),又在推动新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学两所高校科研成果落地方面硕果累累。 2023年,梅彦昌出任香港城市大学(以下简称“城大”)校长。近日接受中新社“东西问”专访时,梅彦昌详述其选择香港的理由,以及城大未来创新发展蓝 ...
WNSC, 88.9 FM Rock Hill, is currently broadcasting at low power and may experience outages as our engineering crew upgrades the station's transmitter. Streaming on this site, in the SCETV and NPR apps ...
Adrien Brody's win for best actor at the Oscars is reviving controversy – and it's not due to another strange on-stage kiss or his shutting down the orchestra for an extra long acceptance speech.