"The ReidOut" hosted by Joy Reid was recently canceled, but lively discussion about the former MSNBC personality continues in ...
“I was listening to the radio (92.3 WMXD-FM) in my car when I heard Joy Reid’s show had been canceled and I had to do a double-take,” said 60-year-old Nancy Johnson, an insurance/real estate ...
2月22日,体操世界杯德国科特布斯站女子高低杠比赛,中国小将张可欣以13.900分收获冠军,首次参加世界杯分站赛就夺冠,另一位中国选手张怡涵排名第五。 资格赛,张可欣以13.866分的成绩,排名第一;张怡涵以12.600分的成绩,位居第六,两人携手晋级决赛 ...