Programming the VEX V5 and VEX EXP systems are very similar, but there are some differences between them. Visit this page on the VEX website to learn more about the differences. This training course ...
Open-source Rust runtime for VEX robots.
在广州举行的ACAMIS VEX 机器人全国锦标赛中,上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校(Concordia)再创辉煌:五支VEX V5战队全部挺进淘汰赛,最终收获了令人瞩目的成绩,将全国冠军、季军、评委特别奖三大奖项收入囊中!冠军队甚至赢得了晋级 VEX ...
Out of 26 total teams, the final two teams to compete for a spot at the VEX Robotics World Championship were from the same ...
High school is a golden opportunity for most teens to figure out their passions and hobbies, but for the students at the VEX ...
Eastside High School’s “Drumroll Please” team won the VEX V5 High School Tournament Champions Award at the competition, which includes nearly half the districts in Florida. The team members included ...
Open-source Rust runtime for VEX robots.
Three teams from Alachua County Public Schools have qualified for the prestigious VEX Robotics World Championship in May in ...
NCCA’s team 8682N (Nighthawks) were the number one seed at the state championship after a day of qualifying matches in this year’s VEX V5 game, High Stakes. In the head-to-head portion of the ...
A group of students from a Tullamore school have qualified for the world finals of a major robotics competition and will ...
在广州举行的ACAMIS VEX 机器人全国锦标赛中,上海协和国际外籍人员子女学校(Concordia)再创辉煌:五支VEX V5战队全部挺进淘汰赛,最终收获了令人瞩目的成绩,将全国冠军、季军、评委特别奖三大奖项收入囊中!冠军队甚至赢得了晋级 VEX 世界锦标赛(将在美国 ...