The Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) conducts the TSPSC VRO examination to recruit eligible candidates for the ...
TSPSC VRO salary is decided as per the guidelines of the commission. The starting salary for the TSPSC VRO post will be Rs 16 ...
Designed by the collector, Bangaru Balayam aims at the comprehensive development of children under 18 by integrating various ...
Some of the 43 trawler captains who were on opposite sides in the Cod Wars have met for the first time since the conflict to ...
来源:诗画浦江app版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请及时联系“这个被执行人名下有房产,为什么我的钱还是没办法拿到手?”被执行人有财产却不能变现,申请执行人洪某就如同到手的饭菜却无法下咽一样难受。这一件涉农村集体土地房产处置的执行案件已是洪某的心结,也是执行中的共性难点。棘手的心结:产证有瑕疵的宅屋能处置吗 ...
参考消息网3月27日报道 据路透社3月26日报道,美国财政部长斯科特·贝森特26日表示,乌克兰可能会在下周签署一项经济协议,另外如果有必要,特朗普总统将毫不犹豫地加码对俄罗斯的制裁。报道称, 在接受福克斯新闻频道采访时,贝森特被问及矿产协议谈判的最新进展。
The Domestic Homicide Project found 98 people were suspected to have killed themselves after experiencing domestic abuse in ...
The number of victims of domestic abuse who took their own lives in England and Wales surpassed the amount of people killed by their partner for the second year in a row, a report has found.