The cartoon that started the franchise, titled The Transformers ... the futility of war as a whole. In the 1980s, most ...
In 2024, Transformers One arrived with the IP’s first animated theatrical feature in ... as well as collected the best Transformers TV shows and video games for huge fans Revenge of the Fallen ...
"Transformers" does ... the way for "Batman: The Animated Series"). O'Neil and Adams' "Green Lantern/Green Arrow" comics also introduced the politics of the day to their young readers, but without ...
From the Hall of Fame: Introduced by Hasbro in the 1980s, Transformers were toys that were paired with a backstory from Marvel comics and a cartoon series that eventually expanded to movies ...
For now, we'll keep it separate from the other timelines. The first-ever Transformers movie was a culmination of the G1 cartoon we all know and love, and it's also remembered for featuring ...
It is considered one of the best-selling card games in the world. From the Hall of Fame: Introduced by Hasbro in the 1980s, Transformers were toys that were paired with a backstory from Marvel comics ...